Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Utah Primary Update

I just found out yesterday that this was a race that was being closely watched, because the challenger to Republican Congressman Chris Cannon (R), a man by the name of John Jacob (D), was running essentially a single-issue campaign on the immigration issue, arguing that Cannon was pro-amnesty. The Utah 3rd is a pretty conservative area, covering Provo. Nevertheless, anti-immigrant forces weren't able to get their way on this one. Cannon won the primary with nearly 56% of the vote; closer than most incumbents have to worry about, but not exactly a nail-biter.

I don't generally think you can take the results in one district and extrapolate them across the country. The one thing I would take from this is that, no matter how strong a primary challenger is, there just isn't much chance for ousting an incumbent. We'll see if that holds up in August with Joe Lieberman (D-CT). My suspicion is it will, and no matter how close it is now, Lieberman will win that primary. Maybe Ned Lamont will prove me wrong, but I don't think so.


At Wed Jun 28, 10:47:00 PM, Blogger Marty said...

You've got to get more readers, being your only detractor is exhausting. I'm doing the work of ten trolls here man.

At Wed Jun 28, 11:10:00 PM, Blogger JST said...

I can't help it that I'm not witty or entertaining enough to attract more people. God made me this way.

At Thu Jun 29, 08:40:00 AM, Blogger Marty said...

Wait, I was going to poke fun at you for something...

Oh, I got it, you said "I don't generally think you can take the results in one district and extrapolate them across the country."

Well, I doubt you can take any trends from Mormonerica and try to extrapolate a national trend. We're talking about Utah here, the state that's 90% Mormon, voted 70% for Bush, regualates drinking, no caffiene and long underwear worn in perpetuity (in a desert even). They're not a represantative sample of any part of the rest of the country.

There, I feel better now.

At Thu Jun 29, 11:14:00 AM, Blogger JST said...

Can't argue with that. Utah is weird.


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