Tuesday, July 04, 2006

War-Related Hunger Strike

This story about Cindy Sheehan and her crew of apparantly jobless war-protesters got me thinking:

What exactly is the point of a hunger strike? And when you suggest that your hunger strike is going to last until the troops return from Iraq, don't you realize you look like a moron?

Is there any more idiotic way to protest something? Any way more likely to fail? And at what point does Cindy Sheehan just look like an opportunistic crazy? Oh...wait...


At Fri Jul 07, 07:56:00 PM, Blogger Marty said...

Buddhists would burn themselves alive. I put that up near the top of "stupid" protesting, right ahead of "protesting at all"

At Fri Jul 07, 08:40:00 PM, Blogger JST said...

Well, I guess my point was that these people clearly aren't going to go hungry until we pull out of Iraq, because that would mean suicide, and as lazy Americans they will lose interest before they die.

While I think suicide is idiotic, I guess I have to have a little more respect for self-immolation. If nothing else, it shows a depth of feeling that I can't imagine feeling.

I tend to feel the same way about protesting that you do. I was dragged to one protest as an undergrad, and I found it to be a completely worthless enterprise.


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