Thursday, August 03, 2006

Double-Digit Lamont Lead

The story can be found here.

The only reason I'm posting on this is because of a quote in the article, howere. Here goes:
Lieberman recently called on President Clinton to visit the state on his behalf, and Clinton's endorsement has been used in the campaign's televised ads. But that apparently had little effect on voters; of those who supported Lieberman, 78 percent said Clinton was not a reason for their support.
Now, I just want to throw something out there...if 22% of your support is even partly because you made a particular move (such as bringing in Bill Clinton), then that was a pretty good move, no? You made a significant jump in your support by doing so. I'm not sure why 22% is considered to be "little effect," but then, hey, I'm not a member of the MSM either.


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