Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Random Musings on Last Night

The majority of the races have been decided, and it's time to dissect what happened last night. Here are my general thoughts on what transpired and what is to come. Let me say that nothing clarifies your political views more than who you find yourself rooting for on election night. I don't consider myself a member of either party, because I don't think either party is a comfortable fit for my views. Nonetheless, for many years I have considered myself more closely affiliated with the Republican Party over the Democratic Party, largely because I grew up in a very conservative household, believing that Democrats were pretty much evil.

Even as my social views have drifted to the left, I have still hesitated to support the Democratic Party. Back in 2002, I thought I had changed - outwardly I was supporting Democrats. Then, election night rolled around and I found myself pleased that the projected Republican losses never materialized. Clearly, I wasn't yet ready to break from my past. In 2004, I voted for John Kerry. I believed very strongly that I wanted the Democrats to win. Yet, when I went to bed in the wee hours that night, I found myself relieved that GWB looked to be on his way to re-election - turns out my head had been sold on Kerry but my heart hadn't.

Turn to last night. In every race, throughout every state, I found myself unequivocally rooting for the Democrats; I guess the transformation is complete. To my Republican friends who might read this blog, I say only this; your party has lost its way. Last night was essential if the Republicans are to regain their principles and find a real sense of purpose again. Scandals, incompetence, stubborn refusal to deal with reality, utter disregard for thoughts and ideas not generated by the party elite - these are the sins for which Republicans were punished last night. Do your part to purge your party of these things and maybe, just maybe, you won't suffer a horrific loss in 2008.


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