Bolton Gone
Yet another of the high-profile members of the President's coterie is going to be gone soon. Rumsfeld, now Bolton - how long before Secretary Rice disappears? I think Bolton clearly made this decision himself, because the White House showed no signs of wanting to give him up at his post. I thank him, because he may have saved the President from making an embarrassing misstep (such as trying to give Bolton the job in all-but-name, and thus skirting the requirements of the Constitution).
I'm reviving my theory that Dick Cheney will resign, just because it would be a last, poetic example of this Administration's flagging powers - and would fit in line with the disappearing leaders we've already seen.
Spiro Agnew is Dick Cheney?
Frankly, I don't know what I meant in this post. I must have been a little zonked out on finals studying or something.
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